ECC Rocks the DORY!

Erich Collins Carey, the "Bachelor of Arts" rocked the Dory down to the ground saturday night on Shelter Island off of the end of Long Island into the wee hours of the morning. Highlights of the show included "Mannish Boy," A Bob Marley medley and big old rip roaring Rolling Stones "Can't Always Get What You Want" finale with a big'ol "Foxy Lady" thrown in! Xtian Petersen came down from Vermont and held down lead guitar and brought the funk flava with drummer Matt Shane. The show was a tribute to Jmagg's return from LA for a visit back east. Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" was Jmagg's favorite number of the evening! ECC does barefoot rock'n'roll at the Dory every Friday in August on Shelter Island.
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