Sunday, August 28, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Puma Mongolian shoe BBQ!
Dinner is served... Got the call and the Puma Suave Bolos are ready to be picked up. I'll be rockin them fully tomorrow night, lookout! Check out PUMA's website for info on this wicked custom show event! I believe there's an earlier post from yours truly regarding my trip there. Dig it...scroll on through the archives.
Best burger in new york city by far, probably best on the planet. The Corner Bistro. Screw shake shack or burger joint or any of the other imposters. Corner B is the real deal. Saw our boy Frankie and took down a Bistro burger and fries and a bacon/grilled cheese sammich... booyah!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Check out the hottest custom skateboards...

Fresh from the east village, artist Tyler Bush has begun painting custom designs inspired and conceived by Matt Shane on blank white skateboard decks. Every deck is one of a kind, there will be no mass production of the decks as far as I can tell from speak to the artists. There will be a limited initial run of "audio" inspired designs. This first one features the highly sought after and hard to come by vintage Neumann U47 microphone. This mic is late 50s/early 60s and can be heard on every great record from the era... Beatles, Rolling Stones, you name it! Check it out. If interested in getting one of these decks designed for you email post a comment and yours truly will pass your info on to Matt.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
9/11 special on National Geographic...
They broadcast and started the 9-11 special, called "Inside 9-11" on the National Geographic channel. Pretty amazing sequence of events from the early 1990s through September 11th, 2001. It continues tomorrow Monday night withe events of the day of the 11th. Pretty gripping stuff... Channnel 65 in Manhattan.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Remote test
This is a test of the remote blogging system. If this were an actual blog you would see an actual post.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
ECC Rocks the DORY!

Erich Collins Carey, the "Bachelor of Arts" rocked the Dory down to the ground saturday night on Shelter Island off of the end of Long Island into the wee hours of the morning. Highlights of the show included "Mannish Boy," A Bob Marley medley and big old rip roaring Rolling Stones "Can't Always Get What You Want" finale with a big'ol "Foxy Lady" thrown in! Xtian Petersen came down from Vermont and held down lead guitar and brought the funk flava with drummer Matt Shane. The show was a tribute to Jmagg's return from LA for a visit back east. Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" was Jmagg's favorite number of the evening! ECC does barefoot rock'n'roll at the Dory every Friday in August on Shelter Island.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Finishing the movie
Working with an exceptional photographic/moving film artist, Colavito. Already did the editing and sound for his documentary, Modern Image Painting. He's submitting the film to festivals and galleries and I believe it's highly anticipated in the art world.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Thief! Somebody stop that man!!!

Just joking. Walked through central park after catching the Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Jewish Museum on 92nd and 5th. This is my buddy, The Wizard. He gives money to musicians. He's also getting married, yours truly will be in full effect!
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Began recording basics for Jenny Giereng, Brendan Millburn from Groovelily is producing. Great music. Gene Lewin on drums, should be a cool record, has a Lilith Fair vibe.